West New York Florist, Your Local Bloomfield Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Bloomfield

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 8 miles from the center of Bloomfield.

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West New York Florist
5922 Bergenline Ave.
West New York, NJ 07093
Leave a Review
Diane HuntleyDiane Huntley
2 days ago
I moved from Weehawken to Florida and I always use West New York Florist. Their arrangements are always the most gorgeous, I loved them when I lived there and I love their arrangements when I get compliments on the flowers. Compliments that belong to West New York Florist! Thank you, Diane Huntley
Patricia SudolPatricia Sudol
one week ago
Thank you for creating a beautiful sympathy basket. It was exactly what we were looking for and we appreciate that attention that was given to our request for certain colors. We learned that other people ordered from this florist as well and were equally pleased with both the flowers and the interaction they had when they called to order.
DeWitt KreutzerDeWitt Kreutzer
last month
. I’m originally from Union City I live I Florida now. I needed a grave blanket for my Mom and Dads grave. I called WNY Florist and they took my order and had the blanket delivered to the cemetery that same day. Thank you. I will be using you for all my floral needs.
Melody Celeste DiazMelody Celeste Diaz
last month
Never disappoints! Great service! It took me zero to no time to order and it was delivered an hour later successfully! The flowers look exactly as shown in the website which I was scared of. Highly recommend, very satisfied.
Pietro TempestilliPietro Tempestilli
last month
Great experience with delivery

Funeral Homes

Halpin - Bitecola Brookdale Funeral & Cremation Service
1284 Broad St, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
Levandoski-Grillo Funeral Home & Cremation Service
44 Bay Ave, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
O'Boyle Funeral Home
309 Broad St, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
Van Tassel Funeral Home
337 Belleville Ave, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
Zarro Funeral Home
145 Harrison St, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
zuasola-grillo filipino funeral service
44 Bay Ave, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA


Berkeley Elementary School
351 Bloomfield Ave, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
Bloomfield High School
160 Broad St, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
Bloomfield Middle School
60 Huck Rd, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
Bloomfield Tech
209 Franklin St, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
Brookdale Elementary School
1230 Broad St, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
Carteret Elementary School
158 Grove St, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
Demarest Elementary School
465 Broughton Ave, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
Oak View Elementary School
150 Garrabrant Ave, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA
West New York Florist
5922 Bergenline Ave.
West New York, NJ 07093
Leave a Review
Diane HuntleyDiane Huntley
2 days ago
I moved from Weehawken to Florida and I always use West New York Florist. Their arrangements are always the most gorgeous, I loved them when I lived there and I love their arrangements when I get compliments on the flowers. Compliments that belong to West New York Florist! Thank you, Diane Huntley
Patricia SudolPatricia Sudol
one week ago
Thank you for creating a beautiful sympathy basket. It was exactly what we were looking for and we appreciate that attention that was given to our request for certain colors. We learned that other people ordered from this florist as well and were equally pleased with both the flowers and the interaction they had when they called to order.
DeWitt KreutzerDeWitt Kreutzer
last month
. I’m originally from Union City I live I Florida now. I needed a grave blanket for my Mom and Dads grave. I called WNY Florist and they took my order and had the blanket delivered to the cemetery that same day. Thank you. I will be using you for all my floral needs.
Melody Celeste DiazMelody Celeste Diaz
last month
Never disappoints! Great service! It took me zero to no time to order and it was delivered an hour later successfully! The flowers look exactly as shown in the website which I was scared of. Highly recommend, very satisfied.
Pietro TempestilliPietro Tempestilli
last month
Great experience with delivery
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